APN: 9312853092301
Fireman Sam is a British animated children's TV series about a fireman named Sam, his fellow firefighters, and other residents in the village of Pontypandy. Since 1987 Fireman Sam and his Village friends have been making children laugh and have fun, and maybe even decide on a future career! Watch
APN: 0195884044087
Fireman Sam is a British animated children's TV series about a fireman named Sam, his fellow firefighters, and other residents in the village of Pontypandy. Since 1987 Fireman Sam and his Village friends have been making children laugh and have fun, and maybe even decide on a future career! Watch
“What do you want to be when you grow up?” Why, a fireman of course!! A strong, brave and noble career is the fire fighter – ready to battle tumultuous fires, enter smoky buildings and occasionally save stray cats from high up in trees. They wear their distinctive uniforms with